September Family Faith Conversation

September Family Faith Conversation

No one exists by chance or mistake! There is a purpose and reason. What an important truth for each of us to allow to sink deep deeply into the core of who we are. Blessings as you begin this conversation of Identity with your child. You may read directly from your device or click the button below for a print friendly version. If you need to download the journal page you can access it here.

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Getting ready for the search:

Chat question: What is something you like to create? Why?

Looking for clues in the Truth:

Read Genesis 1 using a kids bible or easily understood translation. Using play dough, (easy recipe here:), create one of the things God made.

I wonder how you feel about your creation? How did God feel about his?

What is your favourite creation God made?

Ask mom and dad about when you were born. What is the story of how you joined your family?

Read Psalm 139:13-14. What does the bible say about how you came to be?

Read Jeremiah 29:11-14a. What does the Bible say about what God has in store for you?

So God created you, and he has a plan for your life! And you will find Him when you seek Him! Wow!

We found it! Time to celebrate!

Take your pillowcase, and write on each family members’ a blessing from what you have learned about who you are in God in this lesson. It might be something like “You are an amazing creation” or “You were made really cool and God has a plan for you” or “God made you unique and amazing, and I can totally see it!”

If you prefer, make pictures to show what you learned.

When you all are done with your art create a family circle and hold the ends of the pillowcases. Have a prayer time sharing with God what you created.


Write notes of blessing to each other from what you have learned about who you are in God in this lesson. It might be something like “You are an amazing creation” or “You were made really cool and God has a plan for you” or “God made you unique and amazing, and I can totally see it!” Put them in your shoebox. Pray over your notes, blessing the person you wrote them about and praising God for them!

Case Notes – Wrapping up the investigation!

Take a few minutes each week this month to complete your journal page! Don’t forget to pray each day for the item you wrote in that day’s box and look ahead to write what you want to pray for through the week.

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