June Family Faith Conversation

June Family Faith Conversation

What an amazing truth to reflect on that we are complete in Jesus! There is nothing we need to have or anything we need to become to be complete in him! By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit continues to transform us but our identity in Jesus reminds us that we are complete! What does it mean for you that you are complete in Jesus? What does this mean for your kids?  May you bless your kids this month with this truth of who they are in Christ.  You may read directly from your device or click the button below for a print friendly version. If you need to download the journal page you can access it here. This is our final month in our CLEAR family faith conversations but continue to follow us through the summer as we launch into our summer ‘Take Out Church’ family faith conversations and opportunities. You will find more information here.

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Getting Ready for the Search:

Chat Questions: When is a time that you thought you had everything and it turned out you hadn’t? What is something that was lost? Was it clothing or something from school? Was it something you needed for a recipe? Share with your family.

Using a kitchen tray or cookie sheet, choose about 20 items that will fit on the tray. Have the family study the tray to try to remember everything that is on it. After a minute or so, cover the tray up with a tea towel. Take it in another room and remove an item or two. Maybe even rearrange the items left on the tray. Tricky! Bring the tray back and see if your family can tell what is missing. Take turns removing different items and see if your family can still guess what is missing to make the tray complete.

Looking for Clues in the Truth:

Look up Acts 2:1-4. After Jesus had gone back up to heaven, who did God send to be with the apostles to carry on their work? I wonder what that was like for the apostles? Wow!

Turn the page to Acts 3:1-10. Who did Peter and John see at the temple gate? I wonder what his life was like? What did he ask Peter and John for?

Peter says he doesn’t have what the man wanted, but had something else. What did Peter and John give the man? I wonder how the man felt then? How did the people feel when they saw his reaction?

I wonder what being complete means? What was the man at the gate missing? What was he given through Peter and John? Think back, after Jesus left, what were the apostles missing? What did God give them?

Look up Colossians 2:10. What a promise!

Is there something in your life that you feel is missing? Have a prayer time in your family to share this with God.

We found it! Time to Celebrate!

Find your pillowcase. This month, write or draw on your pillowcase something that will remind your family member that we are complete in Jesus.

When you all are done with your art create a family circle and hold the ends of the pillowcases. Have a prayer time sharing with God what you created.


Write a note of blessing to tell each family member that they are complete in Jesus.

Put them in your shoebox. Pray over your notes, blessing the person you wrote them about and praising God for them!

Case Notes: Wrapping up the investigation:

Take a few minutes each week this month to complete your journal page! Don’t forget to pray each day for the item you wrote in that day’s box!

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