Discover with your Family

Gather your family and ask these questions of everyone…

Was there ever a time you were in danger and you were saved?

What is your favourite story of Jesus in the bible?

Can you think of a time you didn’t know Jesus, and then you did? What was that experience like?  Were you different before you knew Jesus?

What is something you have spotted that Jesus has done in your life?

Discover through the Bible

Jesus was on the earth for a relatively short amount of time.  Can you think of images that capture moments in Jesus’ life?  Using your camera, or the camera on a phone, take pictures of images that bring to mind Jesus’ life.

  • John 1:1 tells us that when God created the world, Jesus was there, and that through him all things were made. What picture can you take that will remind you that Jesus is a Creator?
  • Luke 2 tells the story of Jesus birth in a stable – the Christmas story! What picture can you take that will remind you of Emmanuel – Jesus with us!
  • Luke 2:41-52 tells us about Jesus visiting the temple when he is 12. What picture can you take that will remind you of Jesus in his Father’s house?
  • Matthew 3:13 tells us about Jesus’ baptism. What picture can you take that will remind you of Jesus being baptized and the Spirit coming upon him?
  • Mark 1:16 tells us about Jesus calling his disciples. What picture can you take that will remind you of Jesus’ friends?
  • Luke 7:11-17 tells us one story of Jesus healing someone. What picture can you take to remind  you that Jesus is a healer?
  • Luke 11:1-4 tells us about when Jesus taught his followers – and us! – how to pray. What picture can you take to remind you that Jesus is a teacher? Or that Jesus wants us to share our hearts with him in prayer?
  • John 19:16-20:31 tells us the story of Jesus dying on the cross. What picture can you take that reminds you of Jesus’ sacrifice for all of us? Or a picture that reminds us that Jesus is alive?
  • Acts 1:3-11 tells us about Jesus ascending to Heaven. What picture can you take that reminds you of where Jesus is now?
  • There are so many other amazing stories about Jesus in the bible. What other pictures would you add to tell a more complete story of Jesus?

Discover in Nature with your Senses

Do you have any books about bees?  Or have you ever seen a video about how incredible bees are?

What is the most fascinating thing you know about bees?

What is the most delicious thing that comes from bees?  That’s right… honey!

Honey is so sweet, isn’t it?  How do you like to eat honey?  In tea or with toast?

Take a minute to share some honey with your family. Take some time to thank God for all of the sweet things He has given you.

Reel Family Time

Movies are great ways to discuss big themes. Lilo and Stitch is a great movie for discussing the theme snapshots of Jesus. Check out our Reel Family Guide for discussion questions.

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