Prayer Prompts
There are so many ways to pray with and for your spouse. Here are a few prayer prompts to get you started…
Praying together:
God, thank you for our marriage. I am so thankful to you for…
God, our marriage is great in these ways… thank you, and help us to grow this part even more…
God, our marriage is challenged in these ways… thank you that you never leave us alone in our challenges. Please help us in these ways…
God, the kids are amazing/challenging/both. Please help us to be mindful of the following so our marriage can remain strong…
God, we feel weary in these areas… please help us to…
God, help us to prioritize you in our marriage. Help us to…
God, help me love my spouse the way you love me. Please help me to…
God, help us to honour you, each other and our family with our finances…
God, help us know where best to serve you as a couple, as individuals and as a family…
Praying for your spouse:
God, thank you for my spouse. I love the following about them…
God, sometimes I feel frustrated or even irritated by my spouse. Please help me to…
God, I need to forgive my spouse for the following. Holy Spirit, help me forgive…
God, my spouse works so hard. Thank you for my spouse’s employment. Please help my spouse in the following ways in their workplace.
God, my spouse is also a child and a sibling. Please bless my spouse in the following areas with their extended family.
God, I want to build up my spouse in their relationship with you. Please help them see and experience you in the following ways. Please help me see what I can do to encourage them and how I can pray for them.
God, I pray for my spouse’s physical health…
God, this one part of my spouse always has mystified me… please help me understand my spouse…
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