Chat Questions
Over the dinner table or after the kids are in bed, take a few minutes to answer some fun questions about your own relationship and each other.
What first attracted you to your spouse?
When was the moment you knew you wanted to marry your spouse?
Name a date that you and your spouse went on before you were married that you loved?
What was something you loved about your wedding?
What was something you loved about your honeymoon?
If you were to rewrite your wedding vows today, would you change them? What would you add or take away?
When is a time your spouse took your breath away?
What was awesome about your first year married? What was challenging?
What is your favourite spiritual practice with your spouse?
When is the time you laughed the hardest together?
When is a time you felt especially loved by your spouse?
What is a favourite trip you took as a couple? As a family?
What is something you would like to do together in the next 5 years?
What is something you would never want to do together again?
What is a thing you would like to do to tweak your marriage for the better?
Can you name your spouse’s favourite meal?
Can you name your spouse’s favourite snack?
What is a treasured gift your spouse gave you?
What is the best thing your spouse ever surprised you with?
Does your spouse have a celebrity crush? Who is it?
Does your spouse have a top 5 list of travel destinations? What are they?
Who is someone who influenced your spouses’ life in a significant way?
Who is your spouse’s best friend?
Can you remember what your spouse was wearing on your first official date?
If money were no object, what would a dream date look like for you?
What first attracted you to your spouse?
How would your spouse love to spend a free afternoon?
What is something your spouse did that really impressed you?
How do you finish this sentence… I love my spouse because…
If your love story with your spouse was made into a movie, who would you cast in each role?
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