Advent Resources 2019
We are focusing on the theme of who we are in Christ, our identity as we explore our theme Clear: Discovering the Real You. This is part of our larger CBOQ theme, where we are also exploring the identity of Jesus and who he says he is. It is in first recognising Jesus and who he is that we can begin to learn who we are in Him. This Advent season, as we move into our December identity theme, “You are Loved”, may you consider ways you and your family and your children’s ministries might make this season special. One way you might consider is by focusing on different names or descriptions of Jesus in Scripture. Did you know there are over 200 names/descriptions listed for Jesus? It might be a fun challenge to see if you can discover them all with your kids! Or perhaps you may want to consider the 25 names that I have selected as an Advent activity. Below is a file you may download that contains 25 names with corresponding Scriptures for Jesus. The idea is to print the file and cut out the strips to create a paper chain countdown activity. Each day remove one link and reflect on the name for Jesus. This could be a fun family faith conversation activity! Consider preparing this activity to give to all the families in your church. Follow @cboqkids for daily posts in December that correspond with this activity.
Download Names of Jesus
This resource can be printed on plain paper or cardstock and cut into strips. One strip at a time, in number order, loop and tape/glue to form a paper chain. On December 1, beginning with the first strip (the number one should be the first one opened) remove one link and read the scripture about the name for Jesus.
Follow @cboqkids on Instagram for daily conversation starters on each name. Snap some pics and be sure to use #cboqkids on social media!
Watch the 10 Minute Training for other ways you could develop this idea of the names of Jesus!
Here are some more ideas for ways to make Advent meaningful at home!
Prepare Advent Prayer Bags for the families in your church! This is a fun, easy and tangible way to encourage families this season.
Illustrated Children’s Ministry has lots of great Advent resources that you can check out here. This year’s family advent devotional resource focuses on the theme of Light and Darkness. Individual families can purchase one for $9.99 or churches may consider purchasing this resource and distributing them to families. A church can pay $49.99 to print up to 50 copies!
This Nativity Story Sensory Box is a great way to tell the story of Jesus birth to toddlers/preschoolers. It is very easy to put together and uses items you may already have at home. Little ones can touch and play with the different elements of the story as they learn about the birth of Jesus.
Jesse Tree Advent Calendars are a great way to move through Advent. The daily readings help tell the story of the Bible from Creation to the birth of Jesus. Each day there is an ornament to hang up with a symbol that represents the reading of the day.
There are many free templates available online, like this one that contains both a full colour version and one in black and white to be coloured in here.
Ann Voscamp has some beautiful Jesse Tree resources available including this interactive pop up story. Find out more here.
If you missed it, check out this post for ideas of Compassion Experiences through Advent!
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