Book Review

Book Review

Spiritual Conversations With Children is written by Lacy Finn Borgo and I highly recommend it! Anyone who is interested at all in the spiritual lives of children, whether parent, grandparent, pastor, ministry leader or any other adult should read this book. Authour Lacy Finn Borgo draws on her many years of experience in spiritual direction as she thoughtfully and theologically reflects upon her one on one listening sessions with children. She gives a helpful overview of spiritual formation in children, addresses the three Ps – posture, power and patterns in conversation and gives many practical ideas and tools, including prayers and sample interactive dialogues with children. This book is helpful, not only in learning why adults need to learn to be listening companions to children but also ways they can go about developing their listening skills. She writes,

Learning to be a listening adult to children yields enduring benefits. When children have a listening companion who hears, acknowledges, and encourages their early experiences with God, it creates a spiritual footprint that will shape the way a child engages with God, others, and themselves. Spiritual conversations with children foster resiliency in the life of the child. (p. 5)

This book is a must read. It is rich with ideas, suggestions and tools for learning to listen well, listen contemplatively with children, rather then simply talk at them. It is written with theological depth that is accessible and engaging for anyone. Ministry leaders, this would be a wonderful gift for the parents in your community.

Lacy also has many other resources, including short video teachings and examples on her website, Good Dirt Ministries. Check out this page for videos of conversations for children and their adults and this page for ideas for practicing the spiritual disciplines as a family.


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